Saturday, January 24, 2009


Being a leader is something that we can all take a part in. In my life, I have been given the ability to lead but only because I have also been a follower. Sometimes leading in the wrong direction but still was leading. Those who LEAD well FOLLOW well. They go hand-n-hand. To tie into yesterdays post on humility. It is only through humility that I can say, "I will follow." It seems very easy to put my wants and desires to the side and follow the STRONGEST man that ever lived, but it is a daily battle that I struggle with. BUT if I want to be the leader I was called to be, the only way I(we) can lead is to follow. Leading is being able to reach back in a place and pull forward BUT ONLY if we are further along. We cannot call someone "up" when we are NOT.... In our faith, God wants us to help others along in this journey. Trust God that He is taking you somewhere and that He is advancing you in your walk. When is the last time someone thought or told you, "I want something you have..." We should long for people to see an example of Christ through our daily routine. Whether it is in school, work, or daily gestures. Be an example that exemplifies Christ and it will go a long way. We are all called to be a leader in some way or another. Don't miss it be BOLD...THIS IS YOUR TIME! 

II Timothy 1:7 "For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love, and of self-discipline."

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